Registrations for Jean Monnet Module Summer School in the framework of project 01047807 are open!

“Terminology creation and harmonization required for translating the EU legislation.”



Based on the number of contact hours, the course can be considered “intensive” . Jean Monnet Module recommends successful students:

Summers school : Terminology creation and harmonization required for translating the EU legislation.

Contact hours : 24 (including extracurricular activities)

ECTS Credits : 4



The registration process started on 10th of January 2023.



Prof. asoc. dr. Eglantina Gishti

Jean Monnet Module Leader

University of Tirana E-mail :

The courses of Jean Monnet Module “Harmonisation and standardization of the terminology within the EU Integration context (HSTEUI), started and continue to be held in person at the Institute of European Studies campus and online via Zoom, for the academic year 2022-2023.

The Course – Part I: EU governance and the European integration process of Albania – with the participation of 60 students, started on 9 March 2022, at 18.00 PM and has been be delivered in person at the Institute of European Studies campus and online via Zoom.

The Course (Part II), with the participation of 62 students, starts on 13 April 2022, at 18.00 PM and is delivered in person at the Institute of European Studies campus and online via Zoom.


An open lecture will be organized on May 11th 2022, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project (HSTEUI) at the Institute of European Studies. Our guest lecturer for the event will be Prof. Dr. Artan Hoxha, Rector of the University of Tirana and expert on the Judicial System Reform. Prof. Hoxha will present the importance of judiciary reform as a key segment of rule of law enforcement for the EU accession of Albania.

The event is open to everyone interested. To join the meeting online, please use this link.


On June 22, we finished the first course cycle of the Project Jean Monnet Module, carried out at Institute of European Studies (ISE), for the 2021-2022 academic year. The module Harmonisation and standartisation of terminology on EU integration context, designed in three parts, highlighted three particular aspects for Albania in the process of integration into the EU as :

Part I: EU governance and the European integration process of Albania

Part II: Harmonisation and standartisation of terminology on EU integration context.

Part III: Relevant acquis chapters  related to law ; Relevant acquis chapters related to economic policies

Sixty (62) students from different Faculties (Institute of European Studies, Faculty of Justice, Faculty of Economic, Faculty of Foreign Languages) of the University of Tirana, and young professionals working in different public Institutions related to the European integration affaires, participated in these courses of the Module.

The courses were offer from the staff of the Module, professors of the respective fields (European studies, translation and terminology, economics and laws affairs in the process of integration of Albania in European Union). Open lectures were organized from experts in European affairs such as Prof. Artan Hoxha, Rector of the University of Tirana and expert on the judicial system in Albania.

The project funded by the European Commission for the period 2022-2025, will be held for the whole period at the Institute of European Studies, of the University of Tirana.

Photos from the activity


Jean Monnet Module

The Jean Monnet Module entitled Harmonisation and standardisation of terminology within the EU Integration context (HSTEUI), funded by the European Union (Jean Monnet key action) and running at the Institute of European Studies of University of Tirana (2022-2025) started on March 2022.

The main target groups that the project focus on are: senior students of the European Studies  Institute, Law Faculty, Economic Faculty and Foreign Language Faculty. The Module means to stimulate interest in the EU among a multidisciplinary target group of students of the University of Tirana.

The module is designed  as below:

Part I: EU governance and the European integration process of Albania

Part II: Harmonisation and standartisation of terminology on EU integration context.

Part III: Relevant acquis chapters related to law

Relevant acquis chapters related to economic policies


Poster_Open Lecture


This is the website of the Jean Monnet Module “Harmonisation and standardisation of the terminology within the EU Integration context”. Project reference : 01047807 — HSTEUI — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH


“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education And Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”