The European Union integration’s translation policies and practices: time for the terminology harmonisation.

Tirana, 29 February 2024 Institute of European Studies, hybrid: on-site and online

Organised by Institute of European Studies, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Module, funded by the European Commission. 

This conference, organised in the framework of the project 01047807 — HSTEUI — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH: Harmonisation and standardisation of the terminology within the EU Integration context, has served as a meeting point for professors, researches, students and specialists conducting research in translation of specialized documents, in European studies and related fields, in terminology based on an empirical methodological paradigm. This conference aims to put special emphasis on three main interdisciplinary directions:

(i)   Translation in the European integration process, seen in an interdisciplinary approach (Justice, European Studies, Economy, etc.) 

(ii) Consistent use of the filed terminology in the legal translation process,

(iii) Terminology harmonisation.


Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Asoc.Dr. Eglantina Gishti, University of Tirana
  • Prof. Dr. Aljula Jubani, University of Tirana
  • Prof Asoc. Dr. Bernard Dosti, University of Tirana
  • Prof. Asoc.Dr. Valeria Zotti, University of Bologna
  • Prof. Asoc.Dr. Fjoralba Dado, University of Tirana
  • Prof. Asoc.Dr. Aude Grezka, Univrsity Sorbonne Paris Nord
  • Prof. Asoc.Dr. Gentian Elezi, University of Tirana
  • Prof. Emilia Conforti, University of Calabria, Italy


This is the website of the Jean Monnet Module “Harmonisation and standardisation of the terminology within the EU Integration context”. Project reference : 01047807 — HSTEUI — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH


“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education And Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”